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Mansiondeal has the best listings of houses for rent in Nairobi. Discover verified rentals in Nairobi and get contact information to call the landlord or have him/her call you back.Mansiondeal empowers users with data of homes so that they can compare prices and find their perfect home with no hassle.Mansiondeal DOES NOT force users to sign up in order to access further information like landlord's phone number and email address.
Mansiondeal is the only place you can access neighborhoods insights.You will find more information on available schools where your kid(s) can be enrolled.You also find information on nearby hospitals and clinics. There is also a compiled list of all the shopping malls nearby and all the supermarkets where you can shop for groceries and other necessities.There is also a list of all the nice places to you and your family can go to dine and a list of all the drive throughs if you prefer fast food.The best part is that you get a virtual tour of the whole neighborhood.
Mansiondeal has a strict certification process where most suspicious listings are deleted from the site. This means most of the homes you see on mansiondeal are verified BUT NEVER make any payment before viewing the property yourself.
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Nairobi, city, capital of Kenya.It is situated in the south-central part of the country.Nairobi is the regional headquarters of several international companies and organisations Such as General Electric, Young & Rubicam, Google, Coca-Cola, IBM Services, and Cisco Systems .The United Nations Office at Nairobi hosts UN Environment and UN-Habitat headquarters.Several of Africa's largest companies are headquartered in Nairobi. Safaricom, the largest company in Kenya by assets and profitability is headquartered in Nairobi, KenGen, which is the largest African stock outside South Africa. Kenya Airways, Africa's fourth largest airline, uses Nairobi's Jomo Kenyatta International Airport as a hub.
The average price of a 1 bedroom house for rent in Nairobi can be as low as ksh 15,000 to ksh 60,000 depending on the place of preference and the type of house .Browse 1 bedroom houses for rent available on Mansiondeal.
The average price of a 2 bedroom house for rent in Nairobi ranges from as low as ksh 25,000 to ksh 100,000 depending on place of preference and the type of house.Browse 2 bedroom houses for rent available on Mansiondeal.
The average price of a 3 bedroom house for rent in Nairobi ranges from as low as ksh 43,000 to is ksh 80,000 depending on the place of preference and the type of house.Browse 3 bedroom houses for rent available on Mansiondeal.
The average price of a 4 bedroom house for rent in Nairobi ranges from as low as ksh 75,000 to ksh 180,000 depending on the place of preference and the type of house .Browse 4 bedroom houses for rent available on Mansiondeal.
Nairobi has numerous recreational green areas. Nairobi National Park, Other parks and protected forests include Uhuru Park, Central Park, John Michuki Park, Nairobi Arboretum, City Park, Uhuru Gardens, Jeevanjee Gardens, Karura Forest, Ngong forest, and Ololua forest.You can also visit tourist attraction site such as National Museum,Giraffe Center,David Sheldrick Trust Elephant Orphan Centre,Blue Sky Tours in Diamond Plaza indoor rock climbing,Mamba village,Paradise lost,Kenya National Archives and many other magnificent places .
Nairobi is a very busy place ,it is ethnically diverse with very peacefull people .Prices of homes in Nairobi county are relatively higher than in other counties in Kenya .
Nairobi is highly populated in most parts but less populated some parts where most of the houses are stand alone .It is a perfect place to start and grow business due to a high market demand. It has a population of around 4.397 million people and covers 696 km², yielding a population density of 6,317 people per km2.
Mansiondeal is the perfect platform to access houses for rent in Nairobi with listings from trusted agents, landlords and property managers.When you find your perfect house or house for rent don't hesitate to call so that you don't miss out.