
List your house

10 simple steps to sell your house in Kenya | Mansiondeal

How to sell your house fast in Kenya - Step by step

Selling a house was a very stressful task in the past and could not be achieved without a realtor/agent but thanks to the internet there are more simple ways to sell your house than ever before.

1. Get a home inspection

A home inspection is a report on the overall condition of a house including home's structure, foundation, electrical, plumbing, windows, ceiling, walls, floor, doors, roof, and more.Once the inspection is done you will receive a report of the current condition of the house with recommendations for maintenance and repairs.You should take care of all the delicate issues that can scare away your buyers like roof, electricals and plumbing.There is no such thing as a perfect home but you should get as close as you can to perfection to sell your house fast.

2. Decide how to sell

This is most delicate part of the selling process and the decision you make determines the success or failure of your mission.We live in a digital world where you don't need an agent or realtor to sell your house since you can sell it on your own.There are advantages of letting an agent sell your house especially if you are too busy to do it yourself.You should understand that the market is super competitive and your house has to standout for you to sell your house fast and for the highest amount you can get.Selling your house yourself saves you money and if you use the right channels you don't need experience to do it.You can list your house for sale on Mansiondeal and start receiving offers from potential buyers.

3. Price your house

Pricing your home correctly can be the single most important factor when you're selling your house.Don't make the mistake of overpricing your house because there are thousands of houses like yours on the market and no buyer will be interested.Pricing is all about supply and demand so ensure that you look at all similar houses that have been listed in your area and their prices.

4. Choose the perfect time to sell

Understanding the seasonal trends in the real estate market is a crucial first step in determining the best time to sell your home.Other factors are also considered like your financial situation and whether on not you are able to do maintenance and repairs before you list your house.Always ensure you are ready before starting this journey.

5. Stage your house for show

Once all the repairs are complete and there is nothing else to be done before moving. Staging your home is a way of decorating your home that is designed to showcase its best assets, impress buyers, and sell it quickly for the highest possible price.You should learn all the things you need to know about making your home as beautiful as you can.

6. Gather house information

Important information that you need to gather to create a real estate listing includes simple data and facts about the house.If you are listing your house on mansiondeal you are guided on the information you need to give but you can add more information especially if it changes the buyers perception of your home.The most important thing is to get high quality photos of your house.Today’s buyers start their property search online and pictures are the first thing that attracts their eyes on search result pages.If you can't take perfect pictures then you should hire a professional to do it for you.Photos can determine whether someone will call and make an appointment, or click on the next property listing.

7. List your house

The most effective place to list your house is on the internet.You can use mansiondeal or social media platforms like facebook, twitter or instagram to market your house.You can also use traditional marketing strategies like advertising using print media, including newspapers, magazines and flyers to reach more buyers.Successful agents usually list properties on multiple websites and social media platforms to broaden their reach and sell fast.

8. Hold an open house

If you advertise your house well you'll receive calls and emails from interested buyers who will want to see the house in person before they can make any kind of commitment.Before you open your doors for an open house, be sure to clean your house from top to bottom.Treat all the interested buyers as your guests making them feel comfortable and make them imagine owning the house.Lastly brighten your house (you can turn on the lights or open the curtains) so that buyers can clearly see your house features.

9. Negotiate the price

After receiving offers from buyers you can either accept the offer, make a counter offer or reject the offer.If you accept an offer, you should expect the buyer to order an inspection on your house and negotiate the offer or ask you to fix the issues before you can proceed.If you had conducted an inspection earlier this step becomes very easy for you because you are confident with your house.

10. Close the deal

Ensure you have all the paper work ready including the title of the property.You should hire an experienced advocate who specializes in real estate especially if you are selling the house yourself.Your advocate will take care of all contracts, paperwork, and ensure there no pending issues with your property.Finally you will sign the documents and your money will be wired to your bank account.


In conclusion, selling a house is not as complicated as people make it sound.Follow the above steps and if you need any professional help just talk to us at support@mansiondeal.com

Sell your house
Mansiondeal Kenya