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Kenya homes | Mansiondeal

How to find a home online in Kenya - Mansiondeal

Finding your dream home can be a very fulfilling process if you take the right approach and know what to expect.Here are a few pointers on how to go about it.

1. Search a home online

Before the rise of the Internet, people looking for homes were limited to traditional media such as local newspapers and there they would see properties advertised by various local estate agents. They may also have visited the offices of their \ local estate agents on the high street and added their name to the mailing lists. Ideally, one would contact all the estate agents in a given locality. This tedious and time-intensive process is exactly what people looing for a home hope to avoid by using the Internet in their quest to find properties for sale that match their needs.You should look out for frausters by using trusted websites in Kenya and avoid making any payments before doing the paperwork

2. Find a home within your budget

How much money are you willing to spend on your new home? How much money are you willing to spend on maintenance and repairs? There are thousands of homes for sale so don't let any agent take advantage.Search as many houses as you can and don't settle for less.Find homes for sale within your budget on mansiondeal.

3. History of that home

Before moving to your new home, ask your Realtor about the history of your house. They should be able to tell you whether or not the home is in a designated historic neighborhood. A good Realtor should also be able to assist you with finding the names of the previous owners.Try conducting a title search. If you’re purchasing a new home, you’ll most likely do one of these anyway, as many buyers opt to pay for a professional title search. These title searches sift through tax records to show potential home buyers who has legally owned the property from beginning to present day. This way, buyers know with absolute certainty that the person selling them the home is actually the owner.

4. Find out more about the neighbourhood

When a buying a home, you should always learn more about the neighbourhood you are about to move in and the people who are who live in that neighbourhood.You should consider a lot of things before buying a home like the distance between your neighbourhood and work, school and the market or shops.The crime rate of the neighbourhood and the rules that they follow and whether they work for you or not.To ensure you’re not just getting into the home of your dreams, but into a community you’ll love, you need to do some sleuthing and get a feel for what life is like beyond your quarter-acre.

5. Get a home inspection

A quality home inspection can reveal critical information about the condition of a home and its systems. This makes the buyer aware of what costs, repairs and maintenance the home may require immediately, and over time. If a buyer isn't comfortable with the findings of the home inspection, it usually presents one last opportunity to back out of the offer to buy.

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